An energy bank is a simple yet powerful visual aid which helps us assess our emotions, what constitute emotional deposits and withdrawals in our life, and whether we have enough energy left in us.

I heard about this during a brilliant Masterclass with Dr Tony Attwood on CBT and Counselling with Autism Spectrum Disorder Clients. I think everybody may find it helpful, especially if we are not feeling like ourselves or are facing important changes in life. The idea is to use it on a day to day basis.

Here is a copy of the slide with a sample entry on an energy bank from Dr Attwood’s Masterclass - NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

An energy bank is a simple yet powerful visual aid which helps us assess our emotions, what constitute emotional deposits and withdrawals in our life, and whether we have enough energy left in us.

It is OK to have overdrafts every now and then, but the model works exactly like a bank account. No bank would allow you to overdraw constantly without getting you to top up your account. Why would we do that to our precious selves?

A similar tool would be to prepare an inventory of what constitute deposits and withdrawals for us and keep it to hand, so if we need a topup we can easily decide what to add more of and what to reduce.

Have a great day!